Friday, September 9, 2011

League of Drunks - The wash-up.

Chimps eat Cheese.
In the end it was a matter of survival of the fittest. And it just goes to show that on the evolutionary ladder at least, half man/half monkey is vastly superior to a bunch of mouldy milk molecules and enzymes with a bit of rennet chucked in.
With neither team at full strength, my Champanzees, with five first 18 players sitting watching on from the stands, got up against Jim Richo's Cheesedale, who were similarly under-manned. That's just life in the jungle.
I was absentee coach for the weekend, and sadly missed all the to-ing and fro-ing, but it went something like this:
Champanzees 2,017 def Cheesedale 1,935

Meanwhile further down the food chain....
In the bottom-feeder division we had the near perfect pairing of sausage and egg, with Derek's Weisswursts rubbing up against Alex's Ovaries. Must be a cosy work environment over at MARS.
In a very close tussle The Ovary Punchers came first with the score-line looking something like this:
Ovary Punchers 1,683 def The Weisswursts 1,649.

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